Self-Service: Distributions

Monitoring and control of sales and distribution cycle

Supply chains are rapidly developing to meet growing demand from customers. This has put a higher obligation on companies and manufacturers to adopt new technologies that can facilitate digital distribution self-services with an enhanced level of convenience to all relevant parties. Distribution self-service offer an optimum solution for companies that have an extended network of distributors, haulage contractors, and drivers.

Whereas, digital solutions are considered very cost effective; it is a one-time payment portal that allows for full monitoring and control of sales and distribution cycle, easy updates, and user friendly experience.

Low cost management and operation

No devices or handhelds required

Distribution solutions usually overcomes a number of shortcomings that arise from currently used methods that mainly includes using handheld devices to carry on the distribution process. These methods are usually characterized by higher cost and user difficulties.
Wind Solution applied using a mobile application that is further connected to a web interface accessed by a life agent. Through this application, companies can easily locate their sales points, save them, monitor distributed quantities, follow up on any exchanges/refunds/returns, issue invoices.
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Business Processes
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Satisfied Customers
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Better operational procedures

Elevate distribution operations into a clear structured cycle

WIND-IS has worked with top notch companies and organizations to build distribution self-services solutions that has vastly impacted their operational procedures and leveraged their supply chain management status. These solutions enable our clients to elevate distribution operations into a clear structured cycle make it a fully interactive process between the company, the contractors, the distributors, sales points, and warehouses.

  • Low cost with unlimited number of users
  • No special devices or hidden/continues cost
  • Oracle based product with free software update
  • Full monitoring & control auditing for all sales & distribution life cycle
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